First time I had ultrasound with the baby's face so clear. He looks like Marky! Wahahahaha....
Three more months... the countdown begins, and we'll finally have Baby Marco with us. And with the countdown comes the real problems.
Three months into my maternal unpaid leave, it seems like there's some kind of conspiracy against me at work. Perhaps it has something to do with my performance, but since many of us are affected, it's more like they're doing this to put in their own people in the position. Don't understand? Don't worry, you don't have to. ;)
Three months into my leave, we started having problems with cash flow. And then, there's an unsigned contract. Learned about that last week. I don't know yet if it's already signed or what. But they're still not telling me anything about that.
Let me go into some details. You see, I'm headwriter in one Saturday news program. I wasn't talked into it, I didn't even know about it, until our PC told me. All I know was that I'm writer, and the bulk of live items and the counterchecking of stuff would all fall on me. Our PM learned. He questioned me relentlessly, and all I answered was, "I really didn't know, Sir." And then, he said he's not going to sign my contract yet.
Well, I don't have problems with NOT being the headwriter. I don't even encourage myself being the headwriter, not at this point, because I'm pregnant and I won't be able to pitch especially when my EP's absent on December. I just kinda hope that he didn't belittle me too much.
Anyway, that's it. I understand we really have to do something now to make sure our current income tides us over during the lean months, which will likely start November up to December. Here are my resolutions:
1.) NEED TO SLASH MY FOOD EXPENSES. Been really costly when it comes to food these days. Can't help it, really... my life centers on food whenever I'm pregnant. But I was able to slash on food costs when I was pregnant with Marky, so I could buy him some stuff like nappies, bottles, and some clothes. Now, I'm gonna do the same... save at least P50 from my daily allowance to be able to buy even just nappies, a can of milk, new milk bottles, mittens and socks for our new baby.
2.) MOONLIGHT. At home, I can do at least a Sneakindesign article daily. Thank God for investments such as our own laptop and internet at home! Now, I'll be sure that I can still earn even when the computer shops are closed.
Daddy also invested for our own Avon dealership business. Does us wonders because it helps us save on our cosmetics costs, as well as earn a little extra for ourselves. Perhaps I need to be more pushy when getting the payments. =)
3.) JUST WORK. Try to be as OK at work as I can. My Aksyon EP is trusting me to do the creative stuff, I just noticed. So maybe that's what I have to work with and strive hard to be really good at.
That's just it. =)
And pray, pray, pray.
Just remembered... one of our desk editors gave me a rosary from Vatican, and it's already sort of getting out of its plastic container. Perhaps it's really high time that I get to use it.
These are the times when I missed having an adoration chapel where I can pray in. I wish we have one just very nearby. Sighs.
Anyway, that's it.
As for the baby's name? Yep, Daddy wants the nickname Marco, and maybe the name Mark Kristoferson. But I'm thinking of something aside from Mark, 'cause I might get confused with him and Marky. What about Matthew Kristoferson? Isn't that nicer? ;p
So, that's it.
God, help us.