Anyway, it's now nine months since Baby Marco was conceived... and I'm getting the contractions regularly now. Bit scary 'cause they now feel like dysmenorrhea, not just the cramps that I know I've been having because my hips and womb are expanding. Yesterday was one of my two absences... which I took because of the dysmenorrhea-like contractions. But no, the baby's not coming out yet.
Also another reason why I took a day off from work is because Daddy went home super late... 'twas already almost 3am when he arrived here. He'd been drinking with his buddies from his ancestral home... it's been quite some time since he last did that. So, I just waited for him to come home and took him to bed. He was soaking wet from the rain. He was too tipsy and sleepy to take a bath, so I just grabbed Marky's warming oil and massaged Daddy with that.
Anyway, since I've been having these contractions already, I re-checked my delivery bag last night. Everything's ready save for my clothes, which are still drying on the clothesline. Can't deny that I'm now excited to deliver Marky's baby. =)
So... that's it for now. Just ate breakfast. Now, I'm gonna take just a short rest to let the food come down and then, proceed to prepping for work.
Thank you, great God, for Your blessings. We don't deserve all these, but still....
God speed. :)