Aksyon Breaking shift was very calm yesterday. I let my EP do her job: lineup stories and demand from the desk. 'Guess what? She got the same response that I always get. ;p Just then, our boss arrived and gave us chocolates (hihi). We aired our side. He aired his. That's when I learned Aksyon had quite a beating yesterday because of the meager stories. Darn. No matter how hard you try to prettify the storytelling, it all really still boils down to whether you have THE story or not.
Aksyon made me say, "Wow." Intro Bidyo, showbiz VOs, and the new Happy News segment. Entertainment and features. My usual assignments. I initially said, "Cool," then went on to take my 15-min. power nap. But when I started hitting the keyboards, it dawned on me. It's like my job's never gonna end! Four VOs only, but they felt like a lot yesterday! Blame it perhaps on my absences. Or maybe the pressure to come up with a better newscast. Or both. Then I had to do the ticker for T3. And then, just when I thought it's all never gonna end, I looked up and saw that, geese, 5pm palang pala. One hour to spare reviewing my work. :)
Prior to going to work, I had felt scared. Butterflies were making weird circles in my tummy. I thought I was never gonna make it. But I did. Hurrah! Though admittedly, I hadn't done my best. I was feeling too self-conscious! Later, I hope I do better. It's a big news day. We've got hourly on TV5. 'Hope the phone signals don't go down today. 0_o So help us, God.
BY THE WAY: 'Been trying, little by little, to incorporate some sort of diet in my lifestyle. ;p It's called portion control. Haha. Making sure I only have one cup of rice per meal, meat that's the size of my palm, and vegetables and fruits. It's only been a day since I tried but I'm already feeling the difference. I don't feel as bloated. And I excrete the dung from inside more easily, hehe. ;p
NEXT THING I WANNA DO: I really wanna go back to working out. But Daddy said I can't go back to my previous workout sched, which is a few minutes before going to work, because we found that it sabotages my back. 0_o Will explain later. ;p But for now, my plan (hopefully) is to just do it on weekends, in the gym out there that's just a few blocks away. I wanna start on Friday. Then I'll do it on Saturday and Sunday as well... at least there's something more to look forward to on weekends. ;p
IF GIVEN THE CHANCE: Inspired by Trish Roque's new hair color. Hehe. The hairdresser told me before that colored hair's gonna suit me. But we need to allot extra for that. For now, I need to scrimp a little on expenses 'cause I had a lot of absences. That'd surely reflect on my paycheck. 0_o
That's it for now. :) God speed. :)