Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Mommy Journal's Online Now! Yehey! =)

Check this out:

This is my online Mommy Journal! =)

You see, I've been writing on a mommy diary since I hit 2nd trimester... wasn't able to share the contents online yet for lack of time... but now, since I'm scheduled to begin my maternal break next week (wink), I think I'll be able to attend to this na. =) An excerpt:

"Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Baby. Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you, too. And we wanted you so much. We'll do everything to give you the life, the future that you ought to have....."

Aww? :)

Happy reading! =)

P.S.: I forgot to say that membership is strictly BY INVITATION ONLY. :) If you want to view the contents, please gimme your Multiply username or the email address attached to your Multiply account. =) Thanks! =)

And... it's still under construction, so for the moment, please bear with me. =) Grazie! =)