Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Final Week... as a 24-Year-Old ;p

Said it straightway here because I know not a lot of people know about my blogsite... but hid my birthday from Facebook because I don't want noise on Thursday, especially when I'm about to tell everybody that I'm gonna be absent on Friday. =) Daddy's planning a post-birthday celebration for me, and I could say I'm excited. ;p

But of course, before that, we need to tackle work first. Yesterday, I was able to write five Sneaky articles, thank God. Now, I wrote another one... but that's not really what I wanna tell you. =) It's that our new baby's kicking so much yesterday and today, he seems to be sort of enjoying what mommy's doing.

As usual, Marky's still so kulit. And his baby, the one inside my tummy, seems to be kicking his Kuya Marky as well whenever he gets near me. Maybe the new baby wants to play with his equally cute Kuya. ;p

Fun, fun.

That's all for now. Horoscope predicted it's gonna be a long, dreary day today. I hope not much. But I'll be ready. =)

God speed.

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